Just a quick post this evening before I go to bed (back to work tomorrow). I found this little red fox hanging out outside its den at Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge in Delaware. It was supremely disinterested in me, but was otherwise very curious about everything going on around. It kept lying down in the grass, but I managed to get a few nice shots before the biting flies (deer flies?) drove it into its den. I'll probably post some more photos of this guy later in week as well as some shots of the shorebird migration and horseshoe crabs which were my main reasons for heading out to the Delaware Bay shore. It was an incredible spectacle, one that I've long wanted to see. I'm now kicking myself for delaying a trip out to see it for so long. More when I post the pictures later this week. We are moved into the new house and I only have about one more week of school, so the posts should come more frequently now.
Eli, sounds like a fantastic trip. Look forward to seeing more images.